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Server for Unix/Linux/X11TightVNC - VNC-Compatible Remote Desktop Software
Hiawatha - Hiawatha webserverHiawatha, a secure webserver for Unix
Lynx (web browser) - WikipediaUnlike most web browsers, Lynx does not support JavaScript, which many websites require to work correctly. 21
Microsoft Paint - WikipediaPaint was later superseded by Paintbrush in Windows 3.0, with a redesigned user interface, true color support, and support for the BMP and PCX file formats. This version was also based on a newer licensed version of PC P
nc(1) - OpenBSD manual pagesnc — arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
Unix Shell | Unix Shell Hosting | Shell Hosting | Eggdrop Shell | IRCunix shell, unix shell account, bnc shell, eggdrop shells, bnc shells, psybnc shell, shell psybnc, eggdrop shell, ircd shell, irc reseller shells, shell
FlashGot - Best Firefox Download Manager Integration - changelog - InfFlashGot gets your preferred download manager to work with Firefox! Download it now for free! - changelog
ToolWar | Information Security (InfoSec) Tools+i.substring(0,n.summaryLength)+
mandoc | UNIX manpage compilermandoc (formerly mdocml) UNIX manpage compiler current version 1.14.6 (September 23, 2021)
GNU Screen - WikipediaReleased under the terms of version 3 or later of the GNU General Public License, GNU Screen is free software.
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